Kahoe Farms Hostel, 1266 State Highway 10, RD 2 Kaeo, 0479, New Zealand
Tel: (09) 4051 804 (+64 9 4051 804 from overseas)
Cell/WhatsApp: +64 21 174 5770
Email: kahoefarms@xtra.co.nz
For directions to the hostel, see our Location page.
Kahoe Farms Hostel, 1266 State Highway 10, RD 2 Kaeo, 0479, New Zealand
Tel: (09) 4051 804 (+64 9 4051 804 from overseas)
Cell/WhatsApp: +64 21 174 5770
Email: kahoefarms@xtra.co.nz
For directions to the hostel, see our Location page.